The boys have lots of ways to get attention. Some of these are performed with the eccentric, to be different from the others. They began to look odd with performances occasionally controversial. Parents and gurupun so worried because of what is shown is considered deviated from social norms. Skimpy clothing store for young women is preferred. While the men appear more confident with his body acesories.
The boy loves to look weird, it's often leveled when observing their appearance in some public places. Something unusual can be seen from the way they dress and physical performance. Many people have commented this is the way boys look for attention to show who he is. But not infrequently also quite understand the situation.
Display fashion boys clothes is very dependent of the latest models are the trend. This trend of course, brought by the teen idol who could inspire them in terms of appearance. For example, now another trend Korean clothes. Including when some of the teens appeared with minimal clothing, permanent tattoos or piercings on his body that is not only in the ear as fair. Fashionable dress is fine. But how best to address this? Let alone as part of the sense of knowing that they are looking for self-identity? When teens are given a sense, how thoughtful present it.
Fashion is constantly changing from time to time. For example, once a model baggy, now as Korean clothes, and more. And it seems, a lot of teens who feel less slang if it does not follow fashion trends. Indeed, one should not follow the trend of fashionable dress up to date. However, teens should also take into consideration the norms prevailing in the vicinity.
In other words, what is the 'packaging'? Where I'm trying to grab people's attention? If the goal is to show off the body and awaken the sexual desires of others, to make themselves the center of attention and curious people, then he has violated decency, as well as the virtues of humility and modesty in dress introduction and behave.
But, in order to dress the boys are not 'excessive' a few things below a reference in that dress. Choose a polite fashion, and in accordance with the customs and religion because there are many fashionable clothing and ngetrend but at the same time too polite.
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